Основные публикации лаборатории структурных исследований аппарата трансляции

  1. Garber M.B., Agalarov S.Ch., Eliseikina I.A., Fomenkova N.P., Nikonov S.V., Sedelnikova S.E., Shikaeva O.S., Vasiliev V.D., Zdanov A.S., Lilijas A., Svensson L.A. Ribosomal proteins from Thermus thermophilus for structural investigations. - Biochimie, 1992, v. 74, p. 327-336.
  2. Gongadze G.M., Tishchenko S.V., Sedelnikova S.E., Garber M.B. Ribosomal proteins, TL4 and TL5, from Thermus thermophilus form hydrid complexes with 5S ribosomal RNA from different microorganisms. - FEBS Lett., 1993, v. 330 (1), p. 46-48.
  3. Aevarsson A., Brazhnikov E., Garber M., Zheltonosova J., Chirgadze Yu., Al.- Karadaghi S., Svensson L.A. and Liljas A. Three-dimensional structure of the ribosomal translocase: elongation factor G from Thermus thermophilus. - ЕМВO J., 1994, v. 13, p. 3669-3677.
  4. Liljas A. and Garber M. Ribosomal proteins and elongation factors. - Current opinion in structural biology, 1995, v. 5, p. 721-727.
  5. Garber M., Davydova N., Eliseikina I., Fomenkova N., Gryaznova O., Gryshkovskaya I., Nevskaya N., Nikonov S., Rak A., Sedelnikova S., Serganov A., Shcherbakov D., Tishchenko S., Zheltonosova J. and Liljas A., Aevarsson A., Al-Karadaghi S. Crystallization and structural studies of components of the protein-synthesising system from Thermus thermophilus. - J. Cryst.Growth, 1996, v. 168, p. 301-307.
  6. Al-Karadaghi S., Aevarsson A., Garber M., Zheltonosova J. & Liljas A. The structure of elongation factor G in complex with GDP: conformational flexibility and nucleotide exchange. - Stucture, 1996, v. 4, p. 555-565.
  7. Berglund H., Rak A., Serganov A., Garber M. & Hard T. Solution structure of the ribosomal RNA binding protein S15 from Thermus thermophilus. - Nature Str. Biol., 1997, v. 4, p. 20-23.
  8. Härd T., Rak A., Allard P., Kloo L. & Garber M. The solution structure of ribosomal protein L36 from Thermus thermophilus reveals a zinc-ribbon-like fold. - J. Mol. Biol., 2000, v. 296, p. 169-180.
  9. Nikulin A., Serganov A., Ennifar E., Tishchenko S., Nevskaya N., Shepardà W., Portier C., Garber M., Ehresmann B., Ehresmann C., Nikonov S. and Dumas P. Detailed view of a key element in ribosome assembly: structure of the S15-rRNA complex. - Nature Str. Biol., 2000, v. 7, p. 273-277.
  10. Nevskaya N., Tishchenko S., Fedorov R., Al-Karadaghi S., Liljas A., Kraft A., Piendl W., Garber M. and Nikonov S. Structure of archaeal ribosomal protein L1 provides new insights into the RNA binding for the L1 protein family. - Structure, 2000, v. 8, p. 363-371.